Venue: Level 4, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Address: 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
31 July 2018Deadline for submission of abstracts
Within three weeksNotification of acceptance of abstracts
22 August 2018 Deadline for submission of full papers (Optional & only for academic papers)
14 September 2018 Notification of acceptance of full papers
MTR Corporation
AECOM Asia Co. Ltd.
AMS Public Transport Holdings Ltd.
Autotoll Limited
Cathay Pacific Services Limited
Chun Wo Tunnel Management Limited
Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (HACTL)
Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
MVA Hong Kong Limited
New World First Bus Services Ltd/Citybus Ltd.
New World First Ferry Services Limited
QTC Traffic Technology Ltd.
Shun Tak-China Travel Ship Management Limited
Wilson Group Limited
Showcase and Tabletop Exhibition
Chung Shing Taxi Ltd.-Syncab
Esme One (Asia) Limited
Esri China (Hong Kong) Limited
Hongkong International Terminals Limited
Suffice Industrial Technology Limited
Urban.Systems Company Limited
Supporting Organizations
The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
Civil Engineering and Development Department
Construction Industry Council
Highways Department
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
HKIE Logistics and Transportation Division
Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation
Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies
Intelligent Transportation Systems Hong Kong
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Smart City Consortium