Prof. David BANISTER
Prof. David BANISTER
Professor Emeritus of Transport Studies and Senior Research Fellow at St Anne’s College
School of Geography and the Environment
University of Oxford
David Banister is Professor Emeritus of Transport Studies at Oxford University. From 2006-2015 he was the Director of the Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University and he was Director of the Environmental Change Institute, also at Oxford University (2009-2010). Prior to 2006, he was Professor of Transport Planning at University College London. He has spent time as a Research Fellow at the Warren Centre in the University of Sydney (2001-2002), a Visiting VSB Professor at the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam (1994-1997), and Visiting Professor at the University of Bodenkultur in Vienna in 2007. He was the first Benelux BIVEC-GIBET Transport Chair (2012-2013) and more recently he was the Chair of the ERC Advanced Research Grants SH3 Panel (2015-2016). His research expertise is in transport scenario building, sustainable cities, energy and environmental modelling, sustainability and inequality. He has published 25 books and over 300 papers in refereed journals on these topics. His latest two books are The Imperatives of Sustainable Development: Needs, Justice, Limits (Routledge, 2017), and Inequality in Transport (Alexandrine Press, 2018) and kindle book. His personal website can be found at